Leya in Chesterfield upholstery
The history of Chesterfield upholstery dates back to the eighteenth century and the quest for methods of making sitting upright more comfortable. By pulling the leather in towards the back of the chair or sofa and securing it in place with buttons at regular intervals, the material is gathered and the result is not only a more comfortable piece of seating furniture, but an unmistakeable visual hallmark. Freifrau Sitzmöbelmanufaktur uses Chesterfield technique without the traditional buttons, giving it a timeless design twist. Quite literally timeless, too, because another positive effect of Chesterfield upholstery is that it stabilises the piece and increases its lifespan. What is more, now as then, Chesterfield stitching is carried out by hand. Prized for the individual touch it gives to furniture, Chesterfield upholstery is now available for the Leya product family.
Manufacturer: www.freifrau.eu
Photography: Patrick Pantze Images